Our company always provides the best quality products for customers. Detailed information is provided to the buyer regarding the products to be exported. That information includes product list, product technical information and photographs of the product. If requested, product samples can be provided to the customer. We ensure customer satisfaction by listening to the concerns of our clients and by delivering products that fulfills the expectations of our customers. Moreover, we follow the market and provide our customers competitive prices for the products they desire. Therefore, utmost care is taken to increase the profitability of our customers.


Jaune Import Export Inc. has a wide range of suppliers and, in parallel, we increase our product range day by day. According to the demands of our customers, we cooperate with the right manufacturers and suppliers and supply the required types of papers within a short period of time. In order to increase our product range, we have agreements with many paper mills, and we provide customized production if requested. Furthermore, besides being able to supply different products, we also focus on providing the desired products in right quantities.


Our company is aware that the delivery of the desired products one time is very important for our partners. We understand that products that are not delivered on time cause a significant loss of prestige and, above all, lead to significant monetary losses. Therefore, we always ensure that the product is delivered to the buyer at the promised time. The whereabouts and the status of the product to be delivered are regularly communicated to our customers. Thus, the disruptions in manufacturing of our clients are prevent